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The Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience is the common platform of systems-oriented neuroscience at the University of Tübingen, and one of the biggest and most prolific centres of neuroscience in Europe. The CIN in a Nutshell. Material on Animal Research - Downloads.
Die EU Kommission hatte bis zum 3. Aufruf zur Solidaritätsbekundung für Nikos Logothetis. Gewinnerin des Jugend forscht Sonderpreises der Neurowissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft 2015 ermittelt. Die Gertrud Reemtsma Stiftung ve.
Zu den Gründungsmitgliedern zählen zahlreiche Stiftungen, Wissenschaftseinrichtungen, Fachv.
International Max Planck Research School. And operates international neuroscience degree programs which offer a comprehensive theore.
ВАК, Украина, г. Краматорск, 11-12 декабря 2007 г. VII всероссийская научно-техническая конференция Нейроинформатика-2005. Информационное письмо XII всероссийского семинара Нейроинформатика и ее приложения. Основные моменты и положения теории нейросетей.
We represent a selection of German neuroscientific graduate schools and provide information of 21 international programs at a glance. The most relevant content of each program is available in this brochure. You can find us regularly at our information booth at SfN and FENS. International Graduate School of Neuroscience. MSc Graduate Program Master of Neurosciences.